Law Mei Yuan
Artist Bio
Mei Yuan is currently a design lecturer at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak. Her work explores telling sophisticated stories and messages through just one single frame in a new and innovative way.
Artwork Details
Image 1, 2 & 3: (Orang Utan - 2023, 3072px x 3072px, Digital Art)
The creation of this series is to express the inner emotions of the endangered Orang Utan as a form of awareness and showcase the plight of these wonderful beings. This digital artbrush fluidity and expressiveness application is significant because it captures the beauty and fragility of these endangered animals in a new and innovative way, providing a new way to explore the relationship between humans and animals.
Image 4: (Mossy Network, 30cm x 30cm, Photography)
The contrast between the vibrant, verdant moss and the delicate intricacy of the spider web speaks of the balance between strength and fragility, resilience and vulnerability. The moss symbolises resilience and provides a fertile canvas for the spider’s artistry. The web, a testament to patience and precision, stands as a testament to the incredible, creating a captivating interplay of light and shadow, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the scene.
Image 5: (Pink Wing of Spring: Delicate Beauty of an Enchanting Insect, 30cm x 30cm, Photography)
The project highlights the significance of natural contrast background colour, interplaying with the pink stink bug’s (Tessaratomidae) intricate expression, pattern, colours, and texture - creating a positive, gentle and harmonious hue in a single frame.
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Orang Utan - 2023, 3072px x 3072px, Digital Art

Orang Utan - 2023, 3072px x 3072px, Digital Art

Orang Utan - 2023, 3072px x 3072px, Digital Art

Image 1: Mossy Network, 30cm x 30cm, Photography

Image 2: Pink Wing of Spring: Delicate Beauty of an Enchanting Insect, 30cm x 30cm, Photography